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Ray Hanania is a pioneer in Arab American journalism. He is an award winning writer, author of several books, and a standup comedian (who co-founded the Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour) — using humor to bring Palestinians, Israelis, Jews and Arabs together — who has been writing to elevate an understanding of Arabs in American and documenting their achievements. In his columns, Hanania criticizes governments, not people, & rejects extremists on the Right & the Left. He is a “Reagan Democrat” (conservative Democrat) who opposes extremism by all sides and all political groups

He advocates and embraces moderation and centrism, consensus and compromise, fairness, justice & respect!


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Welcome to my website where I offer links to my syndicated columns on politics and life, my radio show broadcasts, standup comedy and public speeches, my books, podcasts, and my social media. I am proud to be involved in a wide range of professional communications.

Click this link on why you need to read Ray Hanania’s columns
or use the widget below.



I am a columnist and I often criticize government policies in the Middle East; including governments in Israel and in the Arab World. But, I have a deep and personal commitment to work for peace in the Middle East, bringing Palestinians and Israelis, Jews and Arabs together. It’s not easy.

I oppose violence, condemn terrorism and strive to advocate for peaceful expressions of differing opinions in the contentious Middle East conflict.

I support Israel’s right to exist and the right of Palestinians to a sovereign statehood based on the Geneva Accords and the Two-State Solution.

My columns and analysis challenge extremism on both sides and seek to empower moderate voices. Criticism is an important aspect of that strategy, but criticism that is focused and based on principle, and on government policies, not people.

I served as a member of the board of Neve Shalom – Wahat al-Salam where Israeli and Palestinian families lived together in peace and respect to show the world that it was possible. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.


I am the U.S. Special Correspondent for Arab News Newspaper based in Riyadh with bureaus and print newspapers there, Dubai, Tokyo, Paris, Pakistan and bureaus in London, Washington D.C., New York and Chicago.


I also write Op-Ed columns for Arab News and host a weekly Live radio show, “The Ray Hanania Radio Show,” on Middle East issues. Guests include government officials, celebrities in sports, business and community activism. The radio show is broadcast every Wednesdays at 5 PM EST on: WNZK AM 690 in Detroit Michigan and Ohio; WDMV AM 700 in Washington DC. Listen live on the US Arab Radio Network and in video live at Facebook.com/ArabNews.

Subscribe to Ray’s Columns

“The Ray Hanania Radio Show” is available in audio podcast on iTunes, Spotify and other major podcasting hosts. For more info, visit ArabNews.com.

I write one column each week on mainstream American political issues and slice-of-life topics for the Southwest News Newspaper Group that includes The Regional News, Southwest News-Herald, the Des Plaines Valley News every Wednesday/Thursday. I also write a Special Monday Column every week for subscribers of my independent online news site SuburbanChicagoland.com that goes to subscribers of my free weekly newsletter that provides information on all of my columns and communications.

Ray Hanania, Thom Shanker and Chicago Mayor Harold Washington in studio. Photo courtesy Ray Hanania
Ray Hanania, Thom Shanker and Chicago Mayor Harold Washington in studio. Photo courtesy Ray Hanania

I am NOT afraid to take on the tough issues of racism. Racism is wrong. It’s wrong when it is against minorities, like Blacks and Hispanics. But, it is ALSO wrong when it is against Whites. Racism is even more immoral when politicians, the news media and other activists use racism for their own personal benefit, and profiteer by widening the racial divide. I am a critic of news media bias when it comes to the Middle East, Arabs and Palestine. And I believe the news media fails to provide a complete and fair presentation of the issues feeding stereotypes and bullying.

Page 10 Column, Chicago Sun-Times, 1985
Page 10 Column, Chicago Sun-Times, 1985

I also perform stand-up comedy lampooning advocating “Comedy for Peace” and using humor to bridge differences between Arabs, Israelis, Jews, Christians and Muslims. I often lampoon my Arab-Jewish marriage. I am Palestinian and my wife and son are Jewish. I also have a daughter who is Christian. All of the comedy is PG Rated.

Finally I am the President and CEO of Urban Strategies Group media consulting and I provide media and communications consulting to an array of clients. I do not write about any of my clients in my newspaper columns or news reports and in the very rare instance where I might, I provide full disclosure so readers are able to assess the topics and information accurately.

You can subscribe to my weekly eNewsletter for free by clicking this link. 

I hope you find the links on this page to be helpful in exploring my world of writing and opinion.


Ray Hanania’s Mainstream columns


I am proud that my writings over the years have brought me many journalism awards including four Lisagor Awards, the National SPJ Sigma Delta Chi (2007) award for column writing, and the “Best Ethnic Columnist in America” from the New America Media (Nov. 2006).

Here are the most recent columns:

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(Click here to view Ray’s columns at SuburbanChicagoland.com)


Middle East columns, podcasts & radio

Stand-up Comedy ====

Book the Palestinian-Israeli standup comedy performance. Irreverent but respectful, not afraid to take on the toughest issues, and loved by moderates and those who support peace.

(Hated by the racist Linda Sarsour/Jillian York fanatics)

Hanania is popular with the righteous people who embrace justice and fairness, reject extremism and love humor as a way to break the cycle of unending violence in the Middle East. (My mother is from Bethlehem, Jesus is my cousin!)

Enjoy Hanania’s performance at the Munster Indiana  B’nai Yehuda Beth Shalom Synagogue. Click this link to watch or use the widget below:

Enjoy the Israeli and Palestinian comedians satirical fight on stage.  Click here to view the video on YouTube or use the widget below:
Email Ray Hanania for more information
about performing at your event at [email protected].

I not only perform with Jewish comedians,
I also perform with Israeli comedians, too!
Some fanatics find that shocking.

The Arab Daily News Op-Ed Columns ====

Read Ray Hanania's Columns at The Arab Daily News online newspaper
Read Ray Hanania’s Columns at The Arab Daily News online newspaper

Ray Hanania’s Middle East, Arab World and Arab American writings are unique and reflect professional journalism rather than activist-driven writings.

But they advocate peace and justice, especially for the Palestinian people. Here the most recent Op-Ed columns from The Arab Daily News online.

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(Click here to read Ray’s Columns at The Arab Daily News)

The Ray Hanania Radio Show ==== 

This is a podcast that focuses on Arab American and Arab World issues and features The Ray Hanania Radio Show broadcast on the US Arab Radio Network every Wednesday Morning at 8 AM in Detroit on WNZK AM 690 radio and in Washington DC on WDMV AM 700 radio, and also live streamed on Arab News newspaper’s Facebook page at:


It’s one of the few American Arab focused podcasts available on iTunes, Spotity and all of the major podcasting services.

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(Click here to go to Ray Hanania’s Arab Radio and Arab interview audio podcasts.)

Ray Hanania on Youtube === 

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Click here to visit Ray’s YouTube Channel


LISTEN TO SEASON 2 of My new Live Radio Show

Broadcast live on Wednesday at 5 PM EST on: WNZK AM 690 in Detroit Michigan and Ohio;  and WDMV AM 700 in Washington DC Maryland and Virginia. The radio show is rebroadcast on Thursday in Detroit on WNZK AM 690 radio, and on Thursday at 12 noon CST on WNWI AM 1080 in Chicago & NW Indiana. Listen live online at ArabRadio.us. Watch live online on Facebook at Facebook.com/ArabNews


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Read Ray Hanania’s column to Arab Americans and Muslims in Arab News on why they should cheer, not condemn, the defeat of Congresswoman Liz Cheney who lost the Republican Primary in Wyoming, rather than to focus on former President Donald Trump. Click here to read the column.

Read my column on why Oak Lawn Police were justified in using force to get an Arab teenager to let go of the bag in which the weapon was in under his stomach. Click here to read the column.

The J.B. Pritzker FIles detailing Pritzker's biases against Arab sand Muslims

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